Michelle Lang-Raymond
Founder/Executive Managing Director
Isiah Anderson Jr.
Founder/Artistic Director
Michael Walker
Operations Director
Sheley Anderson
Nicole Anthony
Robert Baker
MaryEllen Bolden
Zach Bruce, Jr.
Elias Bullock
John Carlisle
LaCretiah Claytor
Michael Cole, Jr
Sam Townsend, Jr.
We’re thankful for a partnership with The Voices Project (www.VoicesProject.com) that allowed us to hire a incredible staff of college students for this summer’s program! In addition to their daily workload, Sydney Coleman, Jaeden Thomas, Kiara “Clutch” Turner, Michela “LaLa” Walker, Jaydon Beleford and Akila Griffin participate in weekly leadership development classes and projects that help grow them as our next generation of leaders! (photo attached)